eForms An electronic data entry option, included with Bio-Rad’s EQAS programs, that allows for automation of your laboratory’s test configurations, entry and transmission of results |
EQAS Reports on QCNet View or print reports, upload EQAS data, and access product information and user documentation via QCNet |
Sample Report Twelve monthly EQAS reports are provided each cycle within 3 days of the statistical analysis |
End-of-Cycle Report An End-of-Cycle report provides an overall indication of the laboratory’s performance over a 12-month period in terms of bias among participating laboratories. |
Clinical Chemistry (Monthly) Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly general chemistry and thyroid analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet |
Urine Chemistry Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly basic and specialty urine chemistry analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet |
Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly therapeutic drug measurements at subtherapeutic, therapeutic, and toxic levels and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet |
Immunoassay Programs Choose from 3 programs that provide samples for 12 monthly endocrinology, thyroid function, oncology, or therapeutic drug analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet |
Immunoassay (Monthly) Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly endocrinology, thyroid function, oncology, and therapeutic drug analyte measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet |
Hemoglobin Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly hemoglobin A1C and A2 measurements and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet |
Hematology Program Program providing samples for 12 monthly measurements of 11 nondifferential basic parameters and corresponding reports for peer group result comparison via QCNet |